Sales Methodologies Series - Mastering Consultative Selling: Unveiling the Power of Consult and Prescribe


In the realm of sales, the traditional approach of simply pitching products or services is becoming increasingly ineffective. Today’s customers are well-informed, discerning, and seek more than just a transactional exchange. To truly succeed in sales, one must embrace consultative selling—a transformative approach that prioritises understanding the customer’s needs and providing tailored solutions. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of consultative selling, exploring the discovery process, formulation through to solution, and the vital role of consult and prescribe. Let’s unlock the potential of consultative sales!

The Discovery Process:

At the core of consultative selling lies the discovery process, which serves as the foundation for building fruitful customer relationships. Unlike traditional sales methods, this approach emphasizes active listening, empathy, and insightful questioning. By adopting a consultative mindset, sales professionals uncover the underlying pain points, challenges, and goals of the customer. Through conversational questioning techniques, they navigate beyond surface-level inquiries, digging deep to understand the customer’s needs, desires, and aspirations.

Formulation through to Solution:

Once armed with a comprehensive understanding of the customer’s situation, the sales professional moves on to the formulation stage. Here, the focus shifts towards crafting a solution that aligns precisely with the customer’s unique requirements. The consultative sales approach emphasizes collaboration and transparency, involving the customer in the solution design process. By actively engaging the customer in decision-making and presenting a range of options, the sales professional creates a sense of ownership and fosters a strong partnership.

The Role of Consult and Prescribe:

The terms “consult” and “prescribe” encapsulate the essence of consultative selling. In a consultative sales interaction, the sales professional takes on the role of a trusted advisor, leveraging their expertise to guide the customer towards the best possible solution. They consult by providing expert insights, industry knowledge, and strategic recommendations. This consultative dialogue builds trust and credibility, positioning the sales professional as a valuable partner in the customer’s journey. Finally, the sales professional prescribes the solution by presenting a tailored offering that addresses the customer’s pain points and fulfills their objectives.

Conversational Questioning: The Key to Success:

In consultative selling, conversational questioning serves as the key that unlocks the customer’s true needs. Instead of bombarding the customer with features and benefits, the sales professional employs open-ended questions to encourage dialogue. By actively listening to the customer’s responses, they gain valuable insights and uncover opportunities to provide unique solutions. Conversational questioning drives meaningful conversations, builds rapport, and allows the sales professional to tailor their approach in real-time.

Relevance and Use Cases for Consultative Sales:

The relevance of consultative selling spans across various industries and scenarios. From complex B2B sales to personal consumer purchases, the consultative approach brings value to both sides of the transaction. In B2B settings, consultative sales can help identify scalable solutions, address organizational pain points, and drive long-term partnerships. In consumer-focused sales, it enables sales professionals to understand individual preferences, recommend personalized products, and enhance the overall customer experience. Consultative selling, with its focus on collaboration, empathy, and customized solutions, empowers sales professionals to create lasting relationships and drive sustainable business growth.


Consultative selling is not just a sales technique; it’s a mindset that prioritizes understanding, collaboration, and delivering value to the customer. By embracing the discovery process, from formulation to solution, and leveraging consult and prescribe, sales professionals can transform their approach and achieve remarkable results. Through conversational questioning, they uncover hidden opportunities and establish strong connections with customers. The relevance and use cases for consultative sales are vast and varied, making it a powerful approach in today’s dynamic sales landscape. So, let’s embark on the consultative journey, where customer success is the ultimate destination!